Bristol Greenbank are holding more of our very popular 'open-days' where anyone can come and have-a-go at playing bowls. All bowls equipment is supplied, as well as friendly guidance as to how it all works and we have a lovley bar too.
All you need is a pair of flat soled shoes.

Greenbank are holding 'open-days' on the following dates and times:
Sat 4th May- 10am to 12 noon
Sun 5th May- 10am to 12 noon
Mon 6th May- 10am to 12 noon
Tues 7th May- 10am to 12 noon
Weds 8th May- 10am to 12 noon
Thurs 9th May- 10am to 12 noon
Fri 10th May- 10am to 12 noon
Our 'open-days' are proving to be very popular again and we still have four more days to go; we have some lovley people come to see us and try the great game of bowls and enjoy the very pleasant surroundings of our green.