The Wobbly Wood Bar now accepts card payments, but cash is still very much welcome.
Coffee and cake mornings restart on Tuesday, 7th January at 11am.
Donations of £3+ greatly appreciated towards club funds. These will continue every Tuesday.
The bar will be open on Friday, 17th January for a Social Evening. Come for a drink, a chat or to play cards or backgammon.
We have a special Events Beetle Drive on Friday, 24th January, 7pm for 7.30pm start. This will be a 'bring a Plate of Food' evening. More details to follow after 7th January.
Please note the bar will not be open on Friday, 31st January.
The first event in February will be on Friday 7th and is a Bingo Night.
The Toorak weekend in Torquay including accomodation, evening meals, breakfast, use of the swimming pools and steam-room, jacuzzi and sauna.
This also includes games of bowls with local clubs too.
The dates are 7th to 10th November 2025.
Members who want to go to Torquay this year need to pay a £30 deposit to reserve your weekend payable by 20th January.
The cost will be £194 per person.
Please note that single rooms are not available so a suppliment of £60 will be payable, but you do get a double room.
Riveria View Upgrade £4 per person per night.
This gives the following costs:
Single Person (Standard Room) £254.00
Single Person (Riveira View) £266.00
Two persons (Standard Room) £388.00
Two Persons (Riveira View) £412.00